Presentation: Fire Apparatus Access Issues
Why is fire apparatus access important and how is it achieved. Presentation to include fire apparatus demonstrations. (Pending weather and fire department availability).
Who Should Attend: Consultants and Architects
Guest Presenter: Bruce Kral, Fire Marshal - West Metro Fire Rescue
Bruce Kral is the Deputy Chief of Life Safety and Fire Marshal for West Metro Fire Rescue. In this position, he oversees the enforcement of the International Fire Code, the plan review process for all new construction projects in the fire district and the investigation into all fire-related incidents. Deputy Chief Kral has been with West Metro since 1985. He was a founding member of the Colorado Homeland Security North Central Region Board and the Denver Urban Area Security Initiative. Kral has an associate's degree in Fire Science, a bachelor's degree in Fire Administration and is a Colorado state certified paramedic. He is a member of the Fire Marshal's Association of Colorado, the Colorado State Fire Protection Association and the National Fire Protection Association.