Presentation: Sprinklers for storage! NFPA 13 and FMDS 8-9
Rack storage has changed. What we store, how we store it, and more importantly, how we can protect it, have all changed. The goal of this presentation is to touch (not all inclusive) on what changes NFPA-13 and FM Data Sheet 8-9 now have in place that have changed for the sprinkler design.
Guest Presenter: Scott Hanson
Scott has over 35 years in the sprinkler industry. He has been with Reliable since early 2012. He spent 25+ years working as a fire sprinkler contractor/designer in both the Pacific Northwest and upper Midwestern regions of the United States. Before his sprinkler career started Scott was a licensed journeyman plumber. Scott has a B.S. degree in Business Administration. He is N.I.C.E.T. Certified as a level IV Water-Based (formerly Automatic Sprinkler System) Layout.